Defining Entitlements

Sentinel EMS enables you to create several types of entitlements:

>Production Entitlements: These are standard entitlements that you use in your production process to share with your customers. For details, see the Sentinel EMS User Guide for Sentinel LDK.

>Test Entitlements: You can create test entitlements for testing the entitlement workflow and usage. Before generating actual entitlements, you can perform a trial run and generate test entitlements for dummy customers with draft products. Data related to test entitlements does not appear in the reports. However, test entitlements can be activated to generate licenses. For details, see the Sentinel EMS User Guide for Sentinel LDK.

>Batch Entitlements: You can create large batches of entitlements to eliminate the need for small, and low-volume production cycles. You do this by creating a single entitlement, saving the entitlement as a draft, and then configuring it to be generated as a batch by specifying the quantity to be generated. For details, see the Sentinel EMS User Guide for Sentinel LDK.

Preparation for Creating an Entitlement

Before you start to define an entitlement in Sentinel EMS, ensure that you have the following information available:

>The market group, if more than one market group is available.

>(Optional) Details of the customer or channel partner who placed the order

>The entitlement attributes to be included, such as validity dates, reference details, and how the entitlement is to be activated

>The Products to be included in the entitlement, including any details that must be finalized, such as the number of activations allowed, license model details, and memory file data

NOTE   Each Product is defined with a Locking Type. The locking type determines the level of Sentinel LDK protection and the type of Sentinel protection key that can be supplied with the Product. When creating an entitlement, you cannot mix Products with the following locking types:

>Products using HL-only with SL-AdminMode or SL-UserMode.

>Products using SL-AdminMode and SL-UserMode.

For additional information on locking types, see Choosing the Protection Level for Your Products.

>Whether you plan to product a single entitlement or a batch of entitlements.

Sentinel EMS generates a unique entitlement ID (EID) for each entitlement that is created. Customers can use this EID to log in to the Customer Portal when they activate their Products.

Activating Entitlements

After you create an entitlement, you can activate a single Product, or multiple Products with compatible locking types simultaneously. When you activate a Product, you can either generate a Sentinel SL key or burn the Product onto a Sentinel HL key.

The activation process for Sentinel SL keys requires uploading a C2V file for the machine on which the Product is to be used. For details, see the Sentinel EMS User Guide for Sentinel LDK.

The process for burning a Sentinel HL key includes the following prerequisites:

>Installing Run-time Environment on the machine on which you are burning the key

>Configuring Sentinel Admin Control Center

For details, see the Sentinel EMS User Guide for Sentinel LDK.